Forum - Free monthly ad spend, how to use?

Forum  |  Advertising  |  Free monthly ad spend, how to use?

1 posts

Standard member
Joined 2017-03-23

I'm a premium+ member. I can see that there is £10 free ad monthly. When I go to ad campaign, it asks me to deposit. How can I see this £10 free ad? How can I use them?

2017-03-24 at 02:20:43
564 posts

foxiaole wrote: I'm a premium+ member. I can see that there is £10 free ad monthly. When I go to ad campaign, it asks me to deposit. How can I see this £10 free ad? How can I use them?
Hi - it should be showing in your Ad Campaigns Balance... let us know if not.

2017-03-29 at 16:07:32

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